Wednesday 2 March 2016

Full Circle

The maths building at Melbourne University looks much the same as it did many years ago. I called in there last year while on my way to somewhere else. Little did I know that an interest in maths would resurface. Reviewing year 7 to 10 maths exercises for Pearson Education Australia provided the impetus. Just as the university maths building looks much the same, so too does the secondary maths curriculum. All the familiar topics are still there, now woven into detailed and tightly-structured curriculum frameworks.

Presentation has changed: books have more interesting designs and more colour; the online world is populated with notes, summaries, slides and videos; and tablets are the latest mode of instruction. Does this make maths more interesting or relevant? That’s a good question to ponder. In the meantime, my task is to make sure that the diagrams make sense and the answers are correct.

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